Teologia della liberazione e giovani donne

Seminario dal 15 al 22 luglio a Cuernavaca, Messico


Justice, not "just-us":
Theologies of Liberation Through Women's Witness
Young Feminist Network Retreat in Cuernavaca, Mexico

July 15-22, 2001

Join the Young Feminist Network in Cuernavaca, Morelos, MEXICO as we explore
together the witness of women working for change. This weeklong retreat will
focus on first-world women of faith entering into dialogue with women from
the third-world who are working for justice. The retreat will provide the
opportunity to encounter the spirit of social transformation in Latin
America. Participants will meet with various Mexican women involved in
community organizing, health initiatives, Christian Base Communities and
alternative economic systems. Come learn how the faith of these women
informs their actions for justice in their communities and in their Church.
Young Catholic feminists will learn about new models of solidarity and how
their faith in action is tied to the global community.
Through the voices of those most marginalized, we will meet the feminine face
of poverty. We will facilitate an encounter with the prophetic dimensions of
the Christian faith, and challenge each other to see the issues of women in
the Church with eyes made new by an encounter with women of faith in the

YFN members, Theresa Trujillo and Stephanie Barnes will host this retreat
connecting our individual stories to the stories of those we meet in Mexico.
Theresa and Stephanie are currently living and working in Mexico where they
model and teach solidarity with people made poor. Both have many years
experience in the area of "faith doing justice."

Retreat participants will stay at the Cuernavaca Center for Intercultural
Dialogue on Development (CCIDD) located just two blocks from the city's main
plaza. CCIDD is a center for experiential learning about global justice and
for over 20 years has invited groups from the US and Canada into an encounter
with the poor in Mexico.

The registration of $200.00 includes, lodging, meals, and transportation
while in Mexico. Participants are responsible for their own airfare.
Scholarships for the registration and travel will be available. Cuernavaca is
approximately a one hour and thirty minute bus ride from the Mexico City

To obtain registration forms or for more information, please contact Joy
Barnes, WOC Program Director at
grassroots@womensordination.org or by phone
at 703-352-1006.

*** The Young Feminist Network is an educational and advocacy program of the
Women's Ordination Conference. YFN is a youth-initiated, youth led, national
network of young women and men working for equal rights of women in their
faith tradition, including the ordination of women to the Roman Catholic
priesthood. ***

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