In attesa della visita del Papa i cattolici svizzeri si pronunciano per una profonda riforma della Chiesa cattolica
A poll
undertaken early in May 2004 and released by the Herbert Haag
Foundation for Democracy in the Church (Lucerne) had the following
90 % of Catholics in Switzerland wish ecumenical Eucharist (6 % are
opposed to it),
89 % favor optional celibacy (6 % do not)
87 % favor equal rights for women in the church (10 % do not)
94 % wish increasing ecumenical efforts ( 4 % do not)
76 % ask from the next pope to permit women's ordination (17 % do
70 % ask that divorced have the right to get married in the church (22
% don't)
65 % wish that the local church elects its bishop (22 % don't)
65 % wish stronger interfaith dialogue (31 % don't)