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Si apre negli USA l’assemblea annuale della Leadership Conference of Women Religious

Cry out, sisters; cry out

from Joan Chittister and Mary Lou Kownacki |
Aug. 8, 2014 From Where I Stand
LCWR 2014

Not too long ago, the world barely noticed nuns, and then only in some anonymous or stereotypical way. Now there is hardly an instance when the world does not notice them. The irony is palpable. When we looked like “nuns,” we weren’t seen. Now that we look simply like ourselves, everybody sees everything we do. Clearly, witness is at least as powerful as uniforms. And nuns have given clear witness to contemplation, equality, and justice these last years.
The problem with that kind of thinking, however, is that people who consider themselves full adults begin to act as if they are.
However, there are consequences to witness like that.
Next week, for instance, the Leadership Conference of Women Religious will face decisions that will move the question of the agency of women in a man’s church either forward or back. Strange as it may seem in the 21st century, the issue is whether or not women are capable of hearing diverse speakers and still remain faithful Catholics. The issue is whether or not women religious may discuss various points of view on major issues and still remain faithful Catholics. The issue is whether or not women religious can manage their own organizations and still be faithful Catholics. The Vatican’s answer to those questions is no. For the last 45 years, however, LCWR’s answer to those same questions has been a clear and persistent yes.
Men and women everywhere are watching the scenario work out, searching for models to resolve it, seeking spiritual guidance to deal with their own frustrations. Benedictine sister and poet Sr. Mary Lou Kownacki writes of the situation in her own blog, Old Monk’s Journal.
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She writes:
We’ve had enough of exhortations to be silent. Cry out with a thousand tongues. I see the world is rotten because of silence,” wrote St. Catherine of Siena. This a quote that Old Monk is meditating on as the Leadership Conference of Women Religious gathers for its annual assembly in Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 12-16.
Silence in the face of injustice is a crime, a sin, a heinous act that has been used by Church authorities over the centuries to kill questions and new ideas and to punish those who dare ask them.
So it broke Old Monk’s heart to read this sentence by Tom Fox, publisher of the National Catholic Reporter, in a commentary he wrote on the upcoming LCWR assembly. “A group (LCWR) that once prided itself on fearless leadership and modeling transparency is now more media restrictive than most other Catholic organizations, including the U.S. bishops.”
It is this kind of intimidation and fear that church authorities count on. Keep the abuse secret. Keep it behind closed doors.
Here is Old Monk’s prayer and plea, then, for the LCWR:
Dearest Sisters, you have done nothing wrong. It is your obligation as religious to ask the questions that need to be voiced. It is the holy responsibility of religious to stand with those who are most bereft. Be proud of the questions you have asked, the speakers you invited to your assemblies, the statements you issued, the liturgies you celebrated. Go to the microphone and say: We believe in feminist theology and in women’s ordination; we believe in the rights of gay, lesbian and transgender population and we will continue to speak aloud on these issues. Respectfully, we will not comply with the order to submit names of speakers to our annual assembly to Vatican representatives for approval. If this means that the LCWR is no longer recognized by church authorities, so be it. Though we have given our lives to the church, we have not given our consciences to anyone but God. Though we recognize the legitimacy of church law, we believe it sometimes conflicts with the Gospel. And our hearts — since we were young women — have been afire with the radical message and life of Jesus of Nazareth. To act otherwise would barter our integrity. As members of LCWR, we stand with our sister, Catherine of Siena in reminding the faithful, “We’ve had enough of exhortations to be silent. Cry out with a thousand tongues. I see the world is rotten because of silence.

From where I stand, it seems to me if the amount of press, ink, and media reviews tell us anything, there are many who care deeply that the voices and agency of the sisters in the United States remain strong.
If you are one of those, you might want to send an email to LCWR, sign the petition with nunjustice.org, or go to Twitter with #CryOut. Tell these sisters with Catherine of Siena again, today, in our time, for the sake of the church at this important moment in church history, “Cry out, Sisters; Cry out.”

(National Catholic Reporter)
Editor’s note: We can send you an email alert every time Joan Chittister’s column, From Where I Stand, is posted to NCRonline.org. Go to this page and follow directions: Email alert sign-up.
Leadership Conference of Women Religious
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
Mary Lou Kownacki
Joan Chittister



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  1. Avatar Vittorio da rios
    Vittorio da rios

    Nel recente libro scritto con Gutierrez dalla parte dei poveri Gerhard Ludwig Muller rileva: la
    teologia della liberazione, intende il lavoro teologico come partecipazione attiva pratica e
    pertanto trasformatrice all’agire liberante integrale complessivo inaugurato da Dio, grazie al
    quale l’agire storico dell’uomo è reso capace e chiamato al servizio della liberazione e
    dell’umanizzazione dell’uomo stesso. E’ da evidenziare che la teologia della liberazione non è
    una costruzione teorica nata a tavolino, essa vede se stessa in continuità con lo sviluppo
    complessivo della teologia cattolica nel XX e nel XXI secolo a fronte delle nuove strutture
    sociologiche emerse dalla transizione alla moderna società industriale alla globalizzazione
    dei mercati, e alla concatenazione dei sistemi informativi. E continua il Muller citando
    Gutierrez: la teologia della liberazione,non si richiama a una nuova rivelazione vuole
    piuttosto essere un nuovo modo di presentare la cooperazione dei cristiani alla prassi
    trasformatrice del mondo da parte di Dio. Sicché Gutierrez giunge alla presentazione di essa
    in questi termini: la teologia come riflessione critica della prassi storica è una teologia
    liberatrice, una teologia della trasformazione liberatrice della storia dell’umanità, e da
    ultimo anche della porzione di essa –riunita in ecclesia– che apertamente confessa Cristo.
    Non puo che destare impressione positiva queste citazione fatte da Muller che in effetti
    sembra fare proprie le linee guida –rivoluzionarie– espresse dalla teologia della liberazione.
    Anche se a tratti si nota alleggiare l’impostazione ecclesiologica ricevuta, tuttavia trovo
    semplicemente contraddittorio il, suo agire in riferimento ad alcuni temi che sono poi il frutto
    di quella –liberazione–fatta propria e frequentemente citata. Come non condividere il –grido–
    di giustizia e di equità, pronunciato dalle sorelle suore americane? Che esprimono le istanze
    democratiche in fatto di diritti civili, e che chiedono che il ruolo delle religiose donne all’interno
    della chiesa abbiano il giusto ruolo che le aspetta? Come fa Muller a non rendersi conto quanto
    siano ormai improcrastinabili questi processi, e ansichè osteggiarli mettere tutta la sua –autorità–
    nel favorirli? Comunque va ribadito che è questione oramai di tempi che speriamo siano brevi,
    poiché e innegabile che Francesco stia dalla parte delle sorelle suore e alle loro cristianissime
    rivendicazioni, alle quali va tutta la mia vicinanza e solidarietà.
    Un caro saluto.

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